
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Where No Trek Has Gone Before
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Cicero and Ty welcome back Dan Decker (@dandeckr), host of the Shall We Digress...? Podcast (@digresscast) to discuss all things Star Trek: Discovery now that it has been back for 4 episodes since its hiatus. How is the show sitting with our panel and are there things that they like? Are there things they would change? How well is Paramount+ doing as a premiere streaming app (Hint: Not as well as they could be!)? Phasers set on Fun for this episode of Discovery Debrief!

Monday Feb 28, 2022
66 | Back Out There
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Our FULL, bold panel of STAR TREK franchise explorers — Chris Clow, Rachael Clow, Zaki Hasan and Cicero Holmes — returns to catch up with the DEBRIEF crew, and to discuss the news that a fourth KELVIN TIMELINE film is apparently on the way...or is it? The cast seemed just as surprised as the fans, so is Paramount going to actually get started when they say they will?
We're also joined once more by the one and only KYLE SULLIVAN of TREKSPERTISE!
Also, now that STAR TREK is back in a big way on television, is there a place for the Kelvin Timeline anymore? We discuss these topics and more on this episode!

Saturday Feb 12, 2022
65 | Precocious Prodigies
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
The Discovery Debrief crew is back to discuss the goings-on in the Star Trek Universe as it seems that everything is being renewed, sometimes before it has even been viewed! We also discuss the streaming platform format and whether this is good for the franchise. Later, we dig in to review season 1A of Star Trek: Prodigy. With Cicero Holmes, Chris Clow, Rachael Clow, and special guest, Tyler Monaghan!

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
64 | Beta Shift Shenanigans
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Regular panel co-host, Cicero Holmes, is joined by multi-time guest, Shareef Jackson, and first-time guest, Tyler Monaghan. Collectively, we learn about Tyler's Star Trek heritage as well as what Shareef and Cicero have been up to in the world of Trek. The panel talks about their feelings on DISCOVERY Season 4, thus far as well as the ongoing inaugural season of STAR TREK: PRODIGY! We also discuss news around the upcoming season of STAR TREK: PICARD!
Greg Tito - ReEngage Podcast
Rivals of Waterdeep
Mando vs Disco! - Star Trek, Star Wars & The Modern Blockbuster

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
63 | Protostars, Blockbusters...Mandalorians?!
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
In this VERY SPECIAL episode of Discovery Debrief, we're joined by KYLE SULLIVAN of the video essay series TREKSPERTISE to discuss his latest essay comparing STAR TREK: DISCOVERY and the original Disney+ STAR WARS series THE MANDALORIAN, and we break down thoughts and reactions to the two-part pilot episode of STAR TREK: PRODIGY!

Friday Oct 29, 2021
62 | The State of Star Trek in 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Three of our panelists – Chris Clow, Rachael Clow and Cicero Holmes – offer thoughts about the current state of the STAR TREK franchise, the potential audience for PRODIGY and thoughts about recent components of news related to STRANGE NEW WORLDS and DISCOVERY!

Friday Oct 29, 2021
61 | LOWER DECKS Season 2 So Far
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Three members of our bold panel of Star Trek franchise explorers – Chris Clow, Rachael Clow and Cicero Holmes – unite to discuss the ins and outs of LOWER DECKS season 2 ahead of the as-yet unaired season finale, and look ahead to components of TREK to come!

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
60 | Hating Pears, Saving Whales
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
In this episode, two members of the DEBRIEF crew — Chris Clow (The Comic Binge) and Cicero Holmes (The 90's First) — go over the first two episodes of the second season of STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS, and also recount the greatness of STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME after Chris attended a 35th anniversary Fathom Events screening.
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
59 | Shatner Knows What's Gratuitous
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
In this episode featuring special guest DAN DECKER, the whole DEBRIEF crew — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD), Chris Clow (The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — discuss some recent hot topics of STAR TREK conversation including thoughts on a key character from the 2009 film directed by J.J. Abrams. The word of the day is "gratuitous."
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Monday May 17, 2021
58 | Shinzon and the Briar Patch
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
It's true, everybody's here! The full panel – Rachael Clow (Biology PhD), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep, 90's First) – catches up with Zaki and then dives into the fact that Cicero has just watched the final two NEXT GENERATION feature films – STAR TREK: INSURRECTION and STAR TREK NEMESIS – for the first time.
Listen as Cicero recounts his thoughts while the panel also explores their own, and then pay attention as Zaki expounds on the discussion about the scheduled 2023 STAR TREK film to (supposedly) be produced by J.J. ABRAMS!

Friday Apr 30, 2021
57 | Here We Are Again
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Sorry to surprise you...next time we'll call ahead!
DISCOVERY DEBRIEF returns with an apology, some catching up with three of our four regular panelists, and a deep dive into a whole host of STAR TREK franchise news including the production of STRANGE NEW WORLDS, the eroding barrier between STAR TREK film and TV projects, as well as that release date in 2023 that Paramount Pictures says is reserved for the next cinematic outing into the final frontier!
Or...is it? Cicero and Rachael give Chris a schooling on what they think could be a sensor mirage. Listen in, and welcome back!

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
56 | Federation Lost?
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
In a special, fully-packed edition of DISCOVERY DEBRIEF, three members of our bold panel of STAR TREK franchise explorers — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge) and Cicero Holmes (Unlocked) — are joined by friend of the show SHAREEF JACKSON (Rivals of Waterdeep) to discuss three episodes of STAR TREK: DISCOVERY's third season: "Far From Home," "People of Earth" and "Forget Me Not!"
The crew of DISCOVERY have arrived in their new home in the year 3189, and being so far away from everything that they know and understand has been traumatic and debilitating. The Federation is lost, the galaxy engulfed in chaos, but hope persists and the unique technology aboard the now-antiquated vessel may give Starfleet a new chance at survival. Listen in as our panel unpacks all of the major events of these three episodes including crew trauma, the ship's new captain, a key new addition to the ensemble and a new conception of the STAR TREK universe!
Plus, stay tuned to the very end for a special message from a VERY surprise guest, thanks to Cicero and the Cameo service: Mr. DOUG JONES himself!

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
55 | Keep it Alive
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
The show that brought our bold panel of STAR TREK franchise explorers together in the first place has finally returned!
The full panel – Rachael Clow (Biology PhD), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) – unites for the first part of the show, before CADET EZRI CLOW had to take the now DOCTOR Rachael to more important things. Then, the remaining three discuss "That Hope is You, Part 1," the third season premiere for STAR TREK: DISCOVERY.
The show has taken the franchise further than ever seen on a regular basis in the canon before, and with the new position in the year 3188 comes a Federation in tatters and a galaxy in anarchy. Listen in as we break down the new status quo, and what hope could still come in the future with the Discovery at the helm!
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
54 | Warp 5-6-7-8
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Returning albeit at half-strength, two members of our DEBRIEF panel — Chris Clow (Movies.com, Comics on Consoles) and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — unite to talk over the remainder of the first season of STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS! Does the animated comedy show really count as "true" STAR TREK? What does that even mean? We're pretty sure Mariner would find that phrase and take a Bat'leth to it, anyways...
Listen in to their impressions of what this first season of the series could mean for both its future and the future of the STAR TREK franchise, right on time to welcome STAR TREK: DISCOVERY back for a third season!
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
53 | First Contact With Second Contact
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Our full panel — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD Candidate), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) with a special appearance from EZRI CLOW — returns from the ether to discuss the first two episodes of STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS.
"Second Contact" and "Envoys" paint a picture of a very different kind of STAR TREK TV series, but which has the full backing of CBS and the TREK canon. What do our four longtime franchise fans make of this new series? Listen in to find out!
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
52 | The Human Family
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
The world may have changed and there may be a whole bout of craziness that has come with it, but the impending promise of new STAR TREK has reunited the crew of Discovery Debrief!
After a long hiatus, all the members of our bold panel of STAR TREK franchise explorers — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD Candidate), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) with a special appearance from EZRI CLOW — give an update on what they've been up to over the course of the global pandemic. Then, the crew barrels forward to give a review of the first full season of STAR TREK: PICARD, followed by a look ahead to paired up reactions to the first season of STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS!
We're so pleased to welcome you back aboard to Discovery Debrief!

Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
51 | Question & Edward
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
In our very own "lost episode," Discovery Debrief returns to bring to you a pre-Picard discussion surrounding two episodes of SHORT TREKS — "Q&A" and "The Trouble With Edward" — just in time for the release of SHORT TREKS on Blu-ray! Listen in as co-hosts Rachael Clow, Chris Clow, Cicero Holmes and special guest SHAREEF JACKSON examine what these two very different shorts tell us about the 23rd century and some of its most familiar faces...or shapeless hairballs.
Plus, listen to a newly-recorded intro from Cicero discussing where we've been, when we hope to bring more Debrief to you, and why STAR TREK is more important than ever in these uncertain times.

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
50 | Have a Little Hope
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
For our milestone 50th episode, we're doing...nothing special! Just an episode discussion for TWO entries in STAR TREK: PICARD's first season: "Absolute Candor," and "Stardust City Rag."
Three of our four panelists — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD Candidate), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — break down the monumental string of events these two episodes brought to the table, including the arrival of an awesome Romulan ninja nun and the return of our favorite former Borg drone.

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
49 | Engage
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
The full Debrief panel — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD Candidate), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — is back to discuss the events of Star Trek: Picard episode 3, "The End is the Beginning!" The journey truly begins, so there's only one thing to say: ENGAGE!

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
48 | No Longer Your House
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Another new episode, another new discussion! The full Debrief panel — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD Candidate), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — returns to discuss the events of Star Trek: Picard episode 2, "Maps and Legends." As Jean-Luc Picard walks back into the institution that he helped define for the 24th century, he is greeted with little more than disdain and skepticism. Seeing our hero have to go through this inspired a lot of emotions from our panel, and that's before we even touch all the new information related to the new, more malevolent and surreptitious ROMULAN organization!
Listen in as we get ready to witness the beginning of the former captain's journey to learn the truth behind a new component of DATA's legacy!
SIDE NOTE: Chris and Rachael's audio in this episode was accidentally pumped through a low fidelity microphone, so we apologize for the oversight.

Saturday Jan 25, 2020
47 | It Was No Longer Starfleet
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Welcome back to your Debrief! Obviously this isn't specifically a Discovery Debrief, but the whole panel — Rachael Clow (Biology PhD Candidate), Chris Clow (Movies.com, The Comic Binge), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — has returned from an extended absence to catch up and discuss "Remembrance," the first episode of STAR TREK: PICARD.
The venerable Jean-Luc Picard has been through quite a lot since we last saw him in 2002's STAR TREK: NEMESIS, so listen as our panel catches up and goes through the plot of this first episode point by point.
We love you, John.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
46 | V'Ger Resurgent
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
While our panel isn't quite at full-strength this time, three of our bold STAR TREK franchise explorers — Chris Clow (Movies.com, Comics on Consoles), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — return to discuss the experience of watching the film that started it all, STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE, on the big screen for the first time courtesy of a 40th anniversary Fathom Event. Plus, the panel catches up on the progress of their various STAR TREK franchise re-watches, and pay tribute to the late ARON EISENBERG.
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Friday Aug 30, 2019
45 | Pre-Season Pike
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
For fans of STAR TREK at-large and DISCOVERY specifically, it's natural to wonder: what exactly was the USS ENTERPRISE under the command of CAPTAIN CHRISTOPHER PIKE up to during the events of the show's first season? We now have an idea with the publication of new tie-in novel STAR TREK: DISCOVERY - THE ENTERPRISE WAR!
Three members of our bold panel of STAR TREK franchise explorers — Chris Clow (Movies.com, Comics on Consoles), Rachael Clow (Biology PhD candidate) and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — are joined by none other than the author himself, the prolific JOHN JACKSON MILLER, about the events of the book!
We also touch on some of the other universes he's written for, what helps set STAR TREK apart from the multitude of other (boundless?) universes he's written for, and what it was like to not only tell a compelling story, but to fit it in seamlessly with where we pick up with the ENTERPRISE in the closing moments of the show's first season finale!
Find details on the book and how you can order it for yourself: http://bit.ly/EnterpriseWar
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
44 | IDIC Incarnate
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Readings indicate that our panel's strength is at 100%!
For the first time since we saw the excellent DS9 documentary WHAT WE LEFT BEHIND, our bold panel of STAR TREK franchise explorers — Chris Clow (Movies.com, Comics on Consoles), Rachael Clow (Biology PhD candidate), Zaki Hasan (Zaki's Corner, MovieFilm Podcast), and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — is back to talk about all the news that dropped at the biggest TREK event of the year: STAR TREK LAS VEGAS 2019.
Listen to us unpack news surrounding STAR TREK: PICARD, STAR TREK: DISCOVERY, lost novels from the Kelvin Timeline, the return of STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE to movie theaters, the legacy of STAR TREK: VOYAGER, and even PRIME LORCA! It's good to be back. Won't you join us?
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.

Sunday Aug 04, 2019
43 | The Game Hasn't Ended
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
The time to prepare for a new future of STAR TREK is NOW! Three-quarters of our panel — Chris Clow (Movies.com, Comics on Consoles), Rachael Clow (Biology PhD candidate) and Cicero Holmes (Rivals of Waterdeep) — return from shore leave to react to all the news that dropped for the TREK franchise at Comic-Con International in San Diego! To help us out, we're joined by previous DEBRIEF guest and author of the upcoming STAR TREK: DISCOVERY - DEAD ENDLESS novel DAVE GALANTER!
Listen as we unpack the latest concerning new SHORT TREKS, DISCOVERY SEASON 3, the LOWER DECKS animated series, and the mind-blowing trailer for 2020's STAR TREK: PICARD which featured a whole lot of surprises.
Music by Bensound.com. STAR TREK trademarks and related elements are owned by CBS Studios Inc., and are used expressly under "fair use" guidelines.